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Step 2: Ground Floor

After stakeholders come together on the committee and identify key issues, they should then work on the design of the housing plan. Design involves establishing common goals and priorities for taking action and creating a collective vision for the future of the community's housing ecosystem.

Design also entails selecting important strategies and identifying the roles of partners in implementation. At this phase, partners should identify how they will track data on and measure success.

Plan 4 Housing: Design and establish goals and priorities. Plan 4 Housing: Committee representation from different levels of housing security is important.

Action Steps

Members of the committee should collaboratively identify goals for how they want the housing market and ecosystem to function in their community. The goals should craft a vision of what the housing ecosystem should look like when the plan's activities are implemented.

Committee members then choose strategies based on what is most likely to accomplish the groups' established goals and priorities. Once strategies are determined, the group should develop an action plan for each item and identify partners who will be responsible for implementing each action step.


The committee should include representation from all elements of the local housing ecosystem. This could include the following groups:

The plans for action must clearly state the roles of all organizations relative to each strategy. All organizations on the committee must have a role in all strategies. Either own, support, or endorse. One organization should take the lead and own each stratagy. Several organizations should support each strategy with funding or in-kind resources. While all other partners shold vocally endorse the work of those owning and supporting each strategy. This creates a braided support network that can help overcome barriers and obstacles to success.

All other organizations involved on the committee should endorse the work of those who own or support a strategy. This creates a braided support network that can help overcome barriers and obstacles to success.

Stakeholders need to establish a tracking and accountability system for each action step, funding source, and strategy in the housing plan. Tracking data on how strategies create change in the housing ecosystem is an integral part of measuring success and identifying which adjustments are needed.

Committee members and partners should commit to providing data on projects and strategies for which they are responsible, and a system for sharing data amongst committee members should be implemented as well to ensure accountability.

Other Design Activities

In the design phase it is important to:

Data & Metrics

Census data for your community and any data generated by local partners, can help lay the groundwork for housing goals, strategies, and metrics including:


In order to ensure adequate time for partner identification and engagement, design processes can take between six months and one year. Work on goals, strategies, and metrics can be done with the help of a facilitator or collectively in the committee over the course of several meetings.

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